Children’s Ministry

Our Children's Ministry team is dedicated to supplementing the family in their attempt to lay a spiritual foundation that, in God's time, will lead a child into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Sunday Mornings, 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Early Childhood and Elementary Programs

Sunday Mornings, 10:30 AM - noon

Children’s Church: Kindergarten - 4th Grade

Nursery is for newborns - 18 months. Your children are cared for and loved by a consistent staff. We also have a dedicated area for nursing mothers.

Wednesday Nights 6:20 PM - 8:00 PM

AWANA: K-6th grade

Junior High: 7 & 8

Youth Ministry Grades 7-12

Sunday Mornings 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM Church youth room

Our Sunday morning program is designed to help students grow in their understanding of what it means to follow Jesus. We pray together, encourage one another, and dive into God's Word to discover its truth for today.

Sunday Evenings 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Church fellowship hall

This is our main youth group event of the week and we can't wait for you to join us! Besides games and other fun stuff, we dig into what the Bible says about topics important to our generation, worship together, and build community through small groups. Questions:  Email Bobby Fannin.

Women’s Ministry

Through the study of God’s word we hope that every woman at The Cross Walk Church will have an opportunity to:

  • Hear and respond to the gospel (Acts 16:13-15)

  • Grow in godliness (Ephesians 4:22)

  • Be spurred on to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24)

  • Be equipped for service (Ephesians 4:12)

  • And be active in making disciples (Matthew 28:16-20)

Wednesday Mornings 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Women’s Bible Study

Adult Ministry

Sunday Morning Classes 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

  • Minor Prophets

  • Women’s Bible Study 

  • Baptism Class

 Life Groups

  • Sunday Morning (Led by Robb & Sandy Childs)

  • Sunday Evening (Led by Paul and Becky Helwig)

  • Prise de parole Français samedi matin (French Speaking Life Group)

ESL Ministry (English as a Second Language)

Our ESL team is passionate about empowering and training those who want to learn English as a second language. We hope to help you excel in your workplace, community, and family. During each free session, our trained teachers break out into small groups to give focused time to each student - helping you build skills, confidence, and life-changing connections!

To learn more about our classes contact our ESL Coordinator

Wednesday Evenings 6:30 PM - 8:00 pm

*Although childcare isn’t available, AWANA and our Junior High Ministry meet at the same time for children K-7th grade.